Politics automated government PhD It writes it and we write it with it. - algorithm writer I like it when it goes well - mind reader Ideas coming to fruition and going up - I like it and it move on to the next task - It integrates them into the automated government - It writes them and it goes well, giving you better quality rewards than the current government would Nothing and secular as well x - This is actually a sociology PhD because of lack of advancement in Medicine x It can work because of meditation, an alternative country - nothing appears when required, based on 10 breasonings - go to competitors offering meditation products for high quality of life - People are all different and don't like being told what to do, so algorithm writer is just optional co-curricular. - There are different ways of doing algorithm writer - People could both write their own algorithms to enter into algorithm writer and use other sources - more famous the first one - People are all different and would have both different areas of specialisation and styles - It is like other algorithms which have been done, so won't matter to be published and tried individually by others, with new research - New combinations, science and technologies - The form will be similar to GitHub, co-curricular and in school if both single students and a teacher agree - Key terms and areas of specialisation may be solutions to non-choice as a topic in schools - It can never be finished, so won't be exhausted, humanities texts can be written about the algorithms so it can be chosen in humanities, etc. - The block about computer science interest can be solved by introducing it at least as co-curricular